Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What's New?

There is so much I've been wanting to post about. Here's a brief list of what's been going on for us lately, in no particular order...

1) Conner got his first haircut ever! It took him SO long to grow his little curly hairs, but he was finally starting to have some mullet/comb-over looking issues, so we had to trim it up! My talented sister cut it for him, and he didn't fuss or freak out at all.

2) We are still working with Conner on his sleeping habits. It has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. When I get more time, maybe I'll go into detail. Some of you may not care, but as a mom myself, I always like to hear what has worked/not worked for other moms.

3) Raphael went back to work. We miss him very much. It was so nice to have him home all that time. I have to say, though, that as worried as I was about being home with both of them by myself, it has gone extremely well so far. I think it has a lot to do with expectations. If I expect that I won't get anything done, then it is a pleasant surprise when I do. But just keeping them both safe and happy has been no big deal.

4) I wrecked BOTH of our vehicles! Yep, that's right, I ran my car right into my husband's car in our driveway. I was REALLY tired last week...I mean dead-tired. I hopped in my car to head to my 6-week post baby check-up and backed out of our weird driveway, yanked the steering wheel to turn my car 180 degrees into the neighbor's gravel driveway, and clipped the front end of my husband's SUV, which was not parked in it's usual location. His car suffered only a small dent and some paint transfer, but my poor quarter panel got all bent up. NICE! But, everybody is safe and we don't put much stock into having new, fancy vehicles so we haven't lost much sleep over it. In fact, I doubt I will even get it fixed since the damage is only cosmetic.

5) My beautiful, long-time friend Karin gave birth to her first child on Friday! A boy named Oliver. He is only 7 weeks younger than my little Logan, so I am excited for them to play together! She did a great job for her first delivery, making it to 8cm dilation before getting the epidural (although not entirely by choice!), and pushing for only 20 minutes. And he is one of the cutest little boys I've ever seen, aside from my own of course! ;)

6) Last week I almost froze to death when the temperature dropped into the 60's. To go from being pregnant in the summertime to being un-pregnant in the cool fall almost did me in. I really don't plan my children's birth months out well.

7) Logan has finally started sleeping better. For the past 4 nights, he has slept around 5 hours in a row, give or take a little bit!!! I actually have hope now that he won't sleep in 3-hour increments forever.

8) I have started using cloth diapers!!! WHAT?! That's right, the girl who swore cloth diapers were created by the devil himself has given them another shot and she LOVES them!!! I found some all-in-ones on clearance and decided once and for all that I was going to make it work like I so desperately wanted to.

9) We did take our kids trick-or-treating and they were darned cute. Logan was the obligatory newborn pumpkin, and Conner was a vampire who was repeatedly mistaken for a magician. That's what happens when the parents are too lazy to accessorize the child. My cousin and her family joined us and we crashed another neighborhood since nobody trick-or-treats where I live. It would be an awful lot of work to go up and down these private roads where the houses are blocks apart!

10) We started our fall garden. We planted peas, green beans, carrots, broccoli, red and white onions, lettuce, spinach, brussel sprouts, eggplant, and fennel. Hopefully our fall garden will turn out better than the summer one!


Aunt Jaime said...

Finally Sister..:) Wow those pictures are absolutely adorable..I love these babies so much....I miss you LOVE YOUR TALENTED SISTER

Kristine said...

I was wondering if you were going to dress up your adorable little boys for Halloween!! They look very cute and you can definitely see Conner's little curls in those pictures! He now looks like a big boy!

Karin said...

I love the costumes! Logan has grown so much since I saw him last. What a little stud! You are a brave Mama with the cloth diapers. Maybe once I get the hang of this mom thing, I'll try them out. Don't hold your breath though :)

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

AWE super cute Halloween boys!! I can't believe you hit your own car =p I want to visit you on the 14th... are you free???