Monday, December 14, 2009

My Little Loganator...

is 3 months old today! We are so blessed to have this little pipsqueak in our lives. He LOVES to be held, touched, looked at, and talked to. He will always turn his head to the sound of my voice in a room. When we went last month for his two-month pediatrician check-up, both the nurse and doctor commented on what a social little baby he was. He smiled at and 'talked' to both of them as soon as they made eye contact with him.

Two weeks ago, I would have told you that Logan was NEVER going to sleep through the night. I know that I have a skewed perspective after having Conner, the sleeping freak of nature, but honestly, I think a ten week old baby should have been sleeping longer than 2-3 hour stretches. Well, all of a sudden last Sunday night, he slept 6 hours, woke up to eat, and then fell back asleep for another 3 hours. And he did that all week. THEN, two nights ago, he slept through the night (7 1/2 hours)!!! He passed out on the couch at 7:30pm and slept until 3am. I tried not to get my hopes up, but last night, he fell asleep at 9:30pm (his normal bedtime) and did not wake up to eat until 5am...woot!!! I think my body is actually in shock from the 7 hours of straight sleep that I got. It's been so very long.

I don't know how I manage to have such big kids, but Logan is kind of huge. I don't have an official number, but I'd guess he's close to 15lbs now. At his two month check up he was in the 97th percentile for height and 80th for weight. And he's still about 80% breastfed. Check out the little bruiser next to his brother.


Sister said...

Oh I just want to squeeze them both..I don't remember what i ever talked about all day before these little amazing handsome boys came into my life...I just love them to death :)

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

Yay for sleeping! Your boys are too cute for words. Geez Jacque, how did you get those big kids out?! haha!

Karin said...

YEAH for sleep!! So happy that he's finally sleeping longer for you. You do have some big kids, but that just means they are healthy! And at least they are boys :)

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

No, I guess I don't have your new e-mail... did you e-mail it to me??? I just have the jaclyn77 one...