Sunday, October 4, 2009

I know, I know, call me crazy, BUT...

I miss being pregnant! Ha ha! My friends think I'm crazy because I don't hate being pregnant all that much (except the first trimester and the very last few weeks). Anywho, I already miss feeling the baby move inside me and the excitement of waiting to see what he or she looks like! I think the thing I love most about being pregnant, though, is the knowledge that I am doing something VERY important. I get to spend nine months trying to be as healthy as possible so that I can bring a healthy human being into this world that will (hopefully) contribute to it. To me, that is more satisfying than anything. And call me a ham, but I also like the attention you get when you are pregnant. I love the way doors open for you and strangers almost always smile! It's like a pregnant belly can brighten the world around it! ;)

One thing I really truly don't miss, though, is the exhaustion. I hated that I didn't have enough energy to play with Conner the way I wanted to. I hate depending on other people to help me do the simplest things. I am so glad to have my energy back and be able to take care of my kids the way I want to. Ooh, and I had a very small glass of wine the other night and it was DIVINE!!!

So even though I miss being pregnant, I also don't!

Ha ha!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Don't talk to me for at least 5 weeks. Just kidding! But, I am NOT loving pregnancy right now - or I guess for the last 8 months really! We'll see if I change my mind once he's out!