Thursday, October 15, 2009

Logan is 1 Month Old!

Yesterday my little pipsqueak turned one month old!!! Yikes...I need another one already! j/k Sort of!

Today we went for his one month check-up, and aside from the fact that he urinated all over the front of my shirt to the point that it was soaked and dripping on the floor, the appt went great! He now weighs 11lbs and measures in at 23 1/2 inches. Sheesh, I have big kids!

He is looking more and more like Conner did at this age. Big head, big lips, round nose. The ears and eyes are different, though. His hair seems darker, but Conner's hair started out darker too, so it's hard to say.

Now, I hate to compare the two of them and set poor Logan up for second-child syndrome, but Conner was definitely a better baby than Logan is. Although, it would be almost impossible for any child to be better than Conner was. Seriously, he was the best baby ever born. He ate well, slept well, and never cried. Logan is kind of whiny. He gets bored and wants to be moved around to new places. He likes to be held constantly. Logan's record for sleeping is 4 1/2 hours, whereas Conner slept through the night at only 5 weeks old and slept 12 hours at 6 weeks old! I am tired, y'all!

Breastfeeding has been going much better this time, though. By that, I mean that my supply is much better. I am actually able to feed him solely on my milk. I give him about 2-4 ounces of formula every night, though, to help him sleep, but I also have extra breastmilk in the freezer for a rainy day! I pump my milk about every 4-5 hours during the day now and nurse at night. I NEVER thought I would be the type of mom to sleep with my baby in bed with me (Conner never did), but Logan sleeps in our bed for part of the night almost every night. I am tired and it is easy to let him nurse while I sleep. We do what we have to, right? And I pump because I like to get things done during the day. Nursing can be annoying when the baby nurses for 2 minutes and then falls asleep, only to wake up 20 minutes later hungry...and the vicious cycle goes on all day.

Anyways, adjusting to two kids has not been that bad. Raf is still home with us, but I am slowly getting more and more confident that I will be fine with them both on my own. Since Logan likes to be held so much, this is how I am getting by sometimes...

I have turned into such a granola, it's not even funny. Just wait until you hear about all the other wacky stuff I do now!


Karin said...

Seeing you with two babies in hand is crazy! You're a pro for sure :) Logan is just getting cuter and cuter every time I see a new pic. Tell us your granola ways lady. I'm curious now!

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

AWE that's the cutest picture ever! What a Super Mom!

Bunch'a'Butt-lers said...

i need one of those wraps SOOO bad! Brady doesn't cry much but he LOVES to be held...errrggg

Kinz was a better sleeper than Brady for SURE! at 5 weeks she slept 12 hours and did that until she was 2!!! I miss sleep...this time around my breast milk just he's all formula, kinda of disappointing but easier at the same time. it's way crazy having two at home! jake went back to work 3 days after brady came home... :(