Saturday, October 17, 2009

When Toddlers Strike Back

Oiye! Conner's new baby rebellion has struck with a vengeance, man. He has decided that he does not need to sleep anymore. He has ALWAYS been an excellent sleeper. All of a sudden, starting this week, he has spent the duration of his usual 3-hour nap screaming. In addition to the screaming, he seems to be showing his defiance by throwing everything out of his crib, including his all-important sleepy bear and his shorts and diaper. This has now been going on for four days. Usually, when he has these little sleeping hiccups, we are able to get him back in gear almost immediately by letting him cry it out. He realizes pretty quickly that we aren't going to budge and he needs to sleep. This time, the little booger is really wearing us out! On top of refusing to nap, he is waking up at the crack of dawn every day. Which is really rough, considering that we still have a newborn that wakes up every 3-4 hours through the night. Yawn!

This morning was the cherry on the sundae, though. He woke up at daylight, but we didn't go get him right away. When we went in there at 7am, he had thrown all of his stuff out of the crib again, but this time was different. Because this time there was poop in his diaper. Aaaand all over his bedsheets and back and feet (from standing in it while screaming).

Lord help me make it through this little phase in one piece!


Karin said...

Uh oh! Bad Conner! Poor thing is mad that he's not the baby anymore :( Maybe I'll just stick with one kid! lol.

Bunch'a'Butt-lers said...

oh dear..i am so sorry! Kinz is doing similar things..not sleeping happily, but she has a twin bed so she just gets out of bed and comes in my room...arrrgg this to shall pass!

The Cronin Family said...

LOL! So very funny! Well at least I think it is because it's not my kid! The terrible twos are the best!