Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As sad as I am to say this, I have officially given up on cloth diapering. It's not because using cloth is very difficult or even that I am bothered by having to manhandle mushy baby poo (although that is not a highlight either); it is because our washing machine is starting to stink. We were warned that this might happen, but we figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal. We could just throw some bleach in the washer and the smell would go away. Well, one of the reasons we chose to do cloth diapers is because they are healthier for babies because there is no chlorine in the diapers. If you use bleach in the washer, that kind of defeats that purpose! We are tired of having a stinky house. We already live near a stinky cow farm and have stinky dogs. I just can't handle one more stink.

When we first grew tired of the smell, I had initially looked into using a cloth diaper service where they would come pick up my diapers and wash them for me (for a fee of course). In the process of trying to find a service, I stumbled upon information about all of the new and improved types of disposables on the market now! There are several different companies that now offer eco-friendly disposable diapers! They are healthier for the baby and they decompost much more quickly in the landfills and don't contain any toxins that are harmful for the earth...suhweet! The only downside is the fact that they are a little bit more expensive than the mainstream brands. To my husband and I, though, it is worth the extra cost. I will breastfeed/pump for longer than I had planned to make up the cost difference because formula is WAY more expensive than diapers.

I've also discovered my new love in life...
Seriously, they carry every brand of diaper in small packages or bulk cases. They often have sales and promotions, AND the diapers are delivered right to your doorstep the very next day!!! PLUS, if you spend $50 you get free shipping! They also sell formula and other baby items.

I ordered 3 different brands (Seventh Generation, Earthsbest, and Nature BabyCare)of eco-friendly disposables to see which one I like best before I stock up on them. I'll let you know what I find out.

I got a referral code from when I checked out so if any of you decide to order anything from them, you can use my referral code and we will both get a $10 credit! Not too shabby. My code is JACL0100.

The good news is that since I purchased my cloth diapers used, I was able to re-sale them on Craigslist and get back all the money that I paid for them. Plus, I saved money over the past 5 months that I haven't purchased disposables.

At least now I have found a happy medium that I can be satisfied with.


Kristine said...

At least you gave it a try - that must be commended! Sounds like you need to buy Peanut some diapers too based on your previous post!! :)

Karin said...

I've tried the Earth's Best ones and they are good! No leaks :) Haven't tried the others though. My sis in law is all about Might have to give it a shot. I must say that you are braver than I when it comes to the cloth diapers. At least the landfills are that much less packed with diapers all because of your 5-month cloth stint! It really is amazing how many they go through in a day.

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

Oh that's awesome! Less clean up, no stink and eco-friendly! So glad you had kids before me so you can do all this research =)