Thursday, February 11, 2010

Exhibit A:

You know how I kind of sort of don't like my dogs?

Whenever the weather is slightly inclimate, like below 70 degrees outside or raining, my little princess of a dog, Peanut, refuses to go outside to use the facilities. I'll admit that we often close up the doggie door at night to keep the varmits from going in and out and waking the babies up with the slapping door, but even when we leave it open, I see this every single morning when I walk out into the living room....

Without fail, I am greeted every day with a tiny little black sausage in this area of the house. The nursery used to be his favorite litter box, but now that the baby is in there and the door is closed, he has to make do with the family room.

I was really irked this morning, though, when I noticed where he made his deposit.

Seriously! Fortunately Conner is old enough now to understand that dog poopy is yucky and we don't want to touch it, but HELLO, Logan is going to be crawling soon and putting everything in his mouth. What if he finds one of these little treasures before I do one day and just happens to put it (oh dear, I almost can't even say it)

That would probably be just enough to land me on an episode of Snapped. You know, the doggie edition. I figure I'd better build my case now, and let this be Exhibit A.


The Cronin Family said...

Seriously why do u have dogs?!? That is just gross. I'm never coming over again! j/k kinda.

Bunch'a'Butt-lers said...

damn dogs! Magoo...I'm sorry :( my dog is fat and old, but she does still wait patiently for me to open the door for her to go out.

I am truly'd think your dog thought it was a cat! hahaha

Karin said...

GROSS! Seriously, whoever decided that Chihuauas (sp?) needed to be bred should be shot. Nicole's old chi-dog used to poop outside my bedroom door every night when he was over. I think he knew that I didn't like him and so he would show me his reciprocated feelings in this manner. We just got back from a road trip to Cali for 4 days and Chief did not have one accident while we were gone! I was so proud.

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

EWWW! Ya, with babies crawling around, that would freak me out! Bad doggie!