Thursday, January 21, 2010

I was thinking today...

I wonder if people who live in rainy climates like Seattle or Portland ever have to dust? Anyone know the answer to this? It will plague me forever if I don't find out. That would be kind of nice not to have to dust. Around here you can dust one day and a week later the whole house is dusty again. I labored for hours and hours back when I was fat and pregnant, dusting all the blinds in this house, and already you can't even tell I ever did it.

We've been enjoying this extremely rainy weather around here today. There are downsides of course- like having your two annoying dogs follow you around all day because the doggie door is closed. Whenever it's open, they rarely ever go out, but once you close it up, they just HAVE to go outside all of a sudden. Then if you let them out, they are DYING to come back inside. Uugh. They can't live forever, right?

Anywho...Conner, Logan and I went outside to sit on the patio for a little while and enjoy the smell of the rain. At first, I kept yelling at Conner to stay on the patio so he wouldn't get wet, but after about 6 minutes of him pushing his dump truck out there further and further to gather the rain and then going out to retrieve it I was like "aah, whatever, just go for it". And go for it, he did! He jumped in the puddles, rode his bike through the muddy pond that we now have, carried water up to the top of his playset, smushed the tiny little worms that have gathered all over our patio, shoveled the mud with daddy's shovel, and made a total mess of himself.

Logan and I stayed bundled up on the patio, he in his blanket and I in my makeshift humidity-proof hair contraption. I decided to run in and get my camera to take pictures of Conner playing in the rain on this possible record-breaking rainy day. I was inside when it all went down, but when I came back out, this is what I saw...

He totally face-planted right into the watery mud! Ha ha ha! I love the rain.


Karin said...

YEp, he takes after you.. doesn't like getting dirty! haha. One time when Christian was about that age we found him in the backyard in just his diaper playing in the mud. I mean, this kid had it all up and down his arms and legs like he was exfoliating or something!

I don't know the answer to your dust question, but my guess would be that they have less dust than we do!

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

What a boy! haha
I think that dust and dirt are very different.... even if you live in a place where there is NO dirt, you still will have dust... Or, if you live somewhere that rains all the time, you can still track in mud, which is just wet dirt.
I'd like to see what contraption you had on your head!