Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life With Little Ones

This past Saturday my dad agreed to watch the kids for me for a couple of hours so that I could help my mom move. From the time I dropped them off and skipped out the door to the time I picked them back up before naptime was about 3 1/2 hours. In that short amount of time sans kiddos, I managed to complete the following tasks:

1) Stop at the grocery store on a whim, since it was near my dad's house. Fill up my cart with $85 worth of groceries and exit the store in less than 30 minutes. It was pure heaven.

2) Drive 20 miles back to my house and unload the groceries, re-organizing my walk-in pantry in the process (taking advantage of the fact that there were no little hands there to "help").

3) Pump. Check e-mail and favorite blog sites while pumping.

4) Throw some chili in the crockpot for supper.

5) Continue on to my mom's new house and help unload items.

6) Drive 20 miles to Goodwill and drop off a vehicle full of donations.

7) Continue on to my mom's old house, pack up her kitchen, load my car with her boxes. Kiss my hubby no less than twice and stuff my face with chocolate he brought for me.

8) Return to pick up my kids.

In contrast, here's a task I completed today in the same amount of time, with my kids in tow:

1) Go to Target. And I only bought a handful of items.

While we were at Target, though, I ran into an old friend from highschool. We inevitably got to talking about how much time has passed and how old we are now. Here's a list of signs that you are old:

- some of the songs you used to listen to are now on the oldies station
- you have to worry about how much fiber is in your diet
- you think teenagers today dress wierd and their hair is greasy
- you like to go to the morning movie showings because there aren't as many rambunctious kids in the theater
- you get excited if you are able to go to bed before 10pm
- you look forward to the weekends, but for totally different reasons than you used to
- you run into old friends and talk about how much time has passed since high school

1 comment:

Bunch'a'Butt-lers said...

I laughed so hard at the "you need more fiber thing" so true...