Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Baby Boy Logan:

Is a sweet, happy, beautiful little soul. Just look at those eyes! And the lips! Oh dear, those big lips. They melt my heart.

Logan is an ambitious little guy. I'm starting to wonder if I actually gave birth to a two-month old. At 4 1/2 months old, he is already about to cut his second tooth.

He has been rolling all over the place and can almost go from laying flat to sitting straight up on his own!

We gave him his first cereal a few days ago. He was more than ready for it! The little monster was plowing through almost 40 ounces of milk some days and needed something with some substance.

He was pretty fond of the cereal. He even started throwing his face forward at the spoon because I wasn't shoveling it in fast enough.

He is also finally sleeping better. Last night he slept from 9:30pm to 7:30am without waking up at all. Some nights he wakes up in the middle of the night but I just pop my earplugs in and fall back asleep. I sound nonchalant about it, but it really is very difficult for me. My mind knows it is best for all of us (including him) if he can learn to go back to sleep on his own without having to have somebody put him back to sleep. But as a momma, our hearts feel something different. He has gotten pretty good at soothing himself now, though. Interestingly, he seems to fall asleep best when laying on his side. He will often fuss for a little while and then roll onto his side in the fetal position and pass right out!

I love him to pieces!


Karin said...

Teeth?!?!?! Wow, they grow fast, don't they? Do his teeth make him mad? I hear all sorts of horror stories about teething..

Bunch'a'Butt-lers said...

I second karins comment! TEETH!? Brady's got nothing..we thought for sure he had one coming, but nothin...yikes!

And he will only eat baby cereal from a bottle! hates spoons..oh well as soon as we did it he's been sleeping 12 hours! HALLELUJAH!

Aunt Jaime said...

Oh my goodness..I just love my little nephews, your blog is the only thing that makes me smile all day at work..I leave these little guys up in the background..

Krysta and Jan-Michael said...

I can't believe how big he is already! Those huge eyes and lips are adorable!